Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 6 " Visual Literacy"

I never really thought about how important visual literacy is. Before learning about visual literacy I always thought of the only time visual literacy was used was in projects that used Photoshop. Now that I know more information about what visual literacy is I will be able to use it in group projects or presentations as well as throughout my career.

Visual literacy can help make a boring presentation more lively and colorful. Some ways that visual literacy can be used to tie the curriculum into everyday lesson plans. Drawing information, as a diagram, map or table, helps children to see how facts are connected, whereas "making notes" often provides only a collection of isolated pieces of data. Visual texts do some things better than verbal texts; verbal texts do some things better than visual texts. Since I want to become a Kindergarten teacher it will be up to me to keep in mind my students different learning styles. Visual literacy will be more beneficial to those students that need to see things in order to learn. Visual literacy can be found all over a classroom.

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